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Writer's pictureRandy Rudeen

Pain in the butt?!

There are plenty of possible culprits for pain in the butt ranging from stress to physical injury and even sitting too long. You may or may not know what is causing your pain but there is something you can do about it.

"Bodies in motion stay in motion..."

Newton was right on the money - it's important for our bodies that we get enough activity to be able to keep moving the way we want. You don't have to spend hours in the gym or be a professional athlete to get the activity you need to remain active and healthy. Simply move your body every day doing something you enjoy.

A common complaint I hear in my practice is "I don't have enough time for exercise". It's easy to get wrapped up in work and school and other things going on but even little actions add up. Standing up, stretching out and walking around for a bit on a regular basis (think hourly) can do wonders for your body. Now with more companies allowing work from home or hybrid arrangements it's even more critical to get that regular motion. Home offices aren't always ergonomically correct and it's easy to blur the lines between work and home when you're not on site walking from place to place.

Drink plenty of water and eat well

"Huh? What does water and diet have to do with pain in my butt?"

Given that our bodies are 55-60% water and protein is necessary for muscle health what you put into your body matters. Not getting enough water or protein can directly impact your muscles and your energy levels so be sure and drink plenty of water and consume a healthy diet.


If you've ever watched a dog get up from sleeping you can get an appreciation for the importance of stretching. There's even yoga techniques named for the motions dogs go through when getting up (downward dog and puppy pose)! Stretching is a component of getting enough motion mentioned earlier and it just plain feels good. No fancy routine or apparel needed and you'll feel much better if you stretch out from time to time.

Chiropractic and percussion treatments

Patients often think chiropractic is about moving bones in the spine to achive proper alignment that keeps everything running well. Guess what moves the bones? If you said muscles you are right! A complete adjustment ensures that muscles are addressed to enable movement and allow spinal adjustments to hold longer.

One of the tools I use in my office is the Hypervolt by Hyperice percussion gun. This tool is a pain-free method of increasing blood flow, eliminating lactic acid and introducing motion deep into muscle tissue to support recovery and healing.

This short video describes how I use the Hypervolt on a patient to treat tight glute muscles. I often do this following a chiropractic adjustment to promote the healing and bring relief.

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